I am an Embeautyment Practitioner

As we all return to work, I've seen just how important it is to integrate wellness into my beauty work. This has been an intense time that has had an impact on all of us and it’s not quite over yet. 

I wanted to share about a training I recently went through that had a big impact on me. Before going I didn’t know I was missing the opportunity to practice self care while serving my clients until I went through The Embeautyment Practitioner Training and realized while caring for myself I can also give the gift of wellness to my clients as well. 

Nicole Cichocki created the Embeautyment Practitioner Training to help beauty professionals develop skills to be happier, healthier, and more successful, learn to provide a wellness-focused beauty service that transforms their clients in mind, body, and spirit and to turn a passion for wellness into a career. 

The skills I learned in this training have helped me be at work in a new and meaningful way and now I am able to give my clients something extra to help support their wellbeing. 

The Embeautyment Method integrates wellness with beauty through a set of 19 mind, body, and spirit practices. It is a holistic approach to beauty that results in health and ultimately healing. 

MIND BEAUTY: Thoughts and emotions rooted in positivity, compassion, and resilience that lead us to cause pleasure for ourselves and others.

BODY BEAUTY: Actions inspired by self-care, vitality and nourishment that align our innermost nature with our outer expression.

SPIRIT BEAUTY: Transcendence from the limitations of physical beauty through cultivating meaning, creativity, and connections to self, community, and a higher power.

You can find me on the embeautyment practitioner directory that spans featuring stylists across the country.

Embeautyment practitioner

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