Soul Nourish Retreats
We have a million reasons why we shouldn’t go on a retreat.
From financial obligations, work, and family responsibilities.
A voice that rings in most of our minds telling us we can’t be gone for a weekend, much less a week.
A feeling that tells us the world as we know it will end, and we will lose our loved ones if we leave.
This voice echoes in our heads like this:
“ I simply can’t afford it.”
“Who will take the kids to their activities and sports? I can’t ask anyone to help! If I miss game they will be traumatized forever! “
“My husband can’t keep the kids fed an the house clean…my dogs might die of starvation!”
“My husband hates it when I’m gone. It’s not worth the hassle.”
“I don’t want to go alone, and my friends are to busy to go with me.”
Or better yet, “What if I’m kidnapped on foreign land? My family can’t survive without me!”
We have a million reasons why we shouldn’t go to the women’s retreat. Sometimes more often than others the voices win out, and we stay home.
Later, when we hear from others about how wonderful it was, we feel regret when we hear of stories of people that went.
They come back refreshed or better yet, “awakened”. “Oh well,” we say, “someday.”
There will be a day when you feel you must make the effort to go, because your well being depends on it.
Much was the case for me.
Like most of us it had been a long winter, not much sunshine and winds, rain, and temps that cut you to the core.
The lack of sunshine takes a toll on most of us.
But for most of us moms, coming out of the holidays, required super hero strength.
Parenting is a juggling act.
However when life throws you some curve balls in the midst of your juggling, you need to stay on your feet.
During time like these I have usually been able to stay grounded, but this time was different. My mind was in full survival mode when dealing with the the worries of my teenagers along with “typical” parenting life. Rushing through my days, forgetting to be mindful, or taking care of my health went to the wayside. Only this time my actions took a physical toll on my body.
When I faced a challenge that could possibly take one of my most precious gifts in life.., my fears created unstoppable pain in my neck and back, and my energy levels were depleted.
The stress was attacking my body physically and I knew it. I had been down this road before. The ability to keep up with the grind was impossible, and my emotions were so fragile that any questions regarding my kids brought tears to my eyes.
Temporary solutions helped so I turned to massages, chiropractic, therapy, and reiki. Although those therapies helped, it created more stress to have to find time to schedule it onto my life. My mind needed a “time out”, a “reset”.
My struggle took an effect on my loved ones as well. I was not the same, and needed to get away somewhere I could feel warmth, peace, and healthy again.
I began to desperately search online and found “Soul Nourish Retreats”. The name jumped out at me because Soul Nourishing was exactly what I was I was looking for!
The retreat was sold out but I decided to email them and ask if I could be on a cancellation list.
To my surprise a couple of days later the “Happiness Coordinator” got back to me and there was a room for me!
The voices in my head gave me another million reasons I shouldn’t go..but another voice told me that my family needs me to be healthy and I owe it to myself to return to a state of well being.
I planned my escape to reset my mind and body with yoga and reading, and pure relaxation ALONE..
Upon arriving in Tulum I was greeted with hugs from four beautiful beings form Souls Nourish Retreats.
Shari was the first one I met at the airport. She greeted me with a big smile and we spoke briefly on our shuttle to the resort. During our conversations I read an unspoken message though her eyes. I could tell the she knew something I didn’t. She had a soul that radiated peace and happiness, and her presence told me to be patient as I looked forward to the week.
As we arrived at the resort three more beautiful women were there ready to wrap there arms around me and welcome me to Tulum.
Mandy, a bright blue eyed blond beautiful and lean yogi walked up to the shuttle. She was barefoot in yoga pants wearing a wrap around her shoulders that angelically flowed with her arms. She hugged each of us as if she has known us forever. Her presence was friendly and happy as she glided from one retreat guest to another. I didn’t realize the hug she gave was so meaningful it soothed my anxiety away. I needed it more than I knew.
Then Paula walked over behind me and set her hand on my shoulder with a warm and calm welcome. She was tall, with hypnotic blue eyes and white long hair. She radiated wisdom and beauty. I couldn’t wait to get to know her better.
Then there was April, the “happiness coordinator” I had emailed back and forth with. Her bubbly personality brought smiles to everyone and her title fit her perfectly.
As the retreat began that evening I met 30 strangers, was presented with a journal, a pen, yoga mat, and some local soap and insencse. I felt calmer, but still in need of relief of pain and stress.
I felt alone and my cup was “empty”. I began to pray that this experience help me reset and keep an open mind. My intention was to be alone on the retreat, but what I learned is that we can’t overcome fears or worries alone. An that most of us are all in the same boat.
What transpired was 5 days of mediation, yoga, self awareness, teachings, and reflections to help equip me with the tools I needed to live a full life, and practice self care.
Meeting thirty incredible humans that shared the experience taught me so much, and had we had all become fast friends.
The guilt of leaving my family disappeared as a I returned as the wife and mother they needed. Returning with a full cup, I felt ready for what was to come. A peace has come over me and I was looking forward to continuing the practice to self care at home.
*We were never promised a life without problems, it is how we handle our problems that help determine quality of life.
Still reflecting on one of the most incredible trips I have had the privilege of taking. In desperate need of some time to refresh after a long and stressful season, I was lucky enough to find @soulnourishretreats . Luck or divine intervention I don’t know, but I do know that this is the beginning of a journey to keep my mind and soul healthy.
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What does it mean to nourish your soul?